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0-7 Things

Versul original:

I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we've shared

It was awesome but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
Now we're standing in the rain
But nothin's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear

The 7 things I hate about you
The 7 things I hate about you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends they're jerks
And when you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

It's awkward and it's silent
As I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology
And when you mean it, I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
Let's be clear
I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here

The 7 things I hate about you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends they're jerks
And when you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

Compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention
The 7 that I like

The 7 things I like about you
You hair, your eyes, your old levi's
And when we kiss, I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hand in mine
When we're intertwined everything's alright
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I lïke the most that you do
You make me love you

Versul in romana:

Cred ca nu ar trebui sa zic asta
Dar cateodata ma simt atat de speriata
Cand ma gandesc la relatia trecuta
Pe care am impartit-o
A fost minunat,dar am pierdut-o
Este posibil pentru mine sa nu-mi pese?

Si acum stam in ploaie
Dar nimic nu se va schimba
Pana cand nu auzi
Dragul meu

Cele 7 lucruri care le urasc la tine
Lucrurile tale,jocutile tale
Esti nesigur
Ma iubesti,dar o placi pe ea
Ma faci sa rad,ma faci sa plang
Nu stiu pe care parte sa fiu
Prietenii tai sunt niste prosti
Cand te comporti ca ei
Stii doar ca doare
Vreu sa fiu cu cel pe care il cunosc
Si al 7-lea lucru pe care il urasc cel mai mult
Este ca ma face sa te iubesc

Este greu si linistit
Pana cand am asteptat sa-ti zic
Ce am nevoie sa aud acum
Sunt sincerele tale scuze
Cand mi-o zici am s-o cred
Cand mi-o scrii am s-o sterg
Sa fim sinceri
Ei bine,nu revin
Tu faci 7 pasi aici

Cele 7 lucruri care le urasc la tine
Lucrurile tale,jocutile tale
Esti nesigur
Ma iubesti,dar o placi pe ea
Ma faci sa rad,ma faci sa plang
Nu stiu pe care parte sa fiu
Prietenii tai sunt niste prosti
Cand te comporti ca ei
Stii doar ca doare
Vreu sa fiu cu cel pe care il cunosc
Si al 7-lea lucru pe care il urasc cel mai mult
Este ca ma face sa te iubesc

Comparand cu lucrurile faine
Mi-ar lua mult sa le scriu
Ar trebui sa mentionez
Cele 7 lucruri care imi plac

Cele 7 lucruri care le plac la tine
Parul tau,ochii tai,vechiul tau Levi's
Cand ne sarutam ma simt himnotizata
Ma faci sa rad,ma faci sa plang
Cred ca sunt pe ambele parti
Mana ta langa a mea
Cand suntem impreuna
Stiu ca totul va fi bine
Vreu sa fiu cu cel pe care il cunosc
Si al 7-lea lucru care il plac cel mai mult la tine
Este ca ma face sa te ïubesc

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